The Secret to Targeted Visibility
It’s not enough to want to be more visible in this social media world. You need to know why you want to be visible and who you want to notice you. The mass market is dead. You need to target your visibility, and targeting means two things: knowing what you want, and knowing who can help you get it.
Know why you want to get noticed. By that I really mean “what professional or personal goal are you trying to achieve and how can being more visible help you?” That is the knowing what you want part of targeted personal visibility. If you don’t know what you are trying to achieve, then you can’t focus your efforts on the things that will have the greatest impact.
Know who you want to notice you. The other side of targeted personal visibility is knowing who you want to see you. If you say, “everyone,” then you are wasting effort, diluting your message, and flirting with danger. Everyone is just too broad a target, and, frankly, you wouldn’t want all 7 billion people in world calling you up, right? So, who do you want calling you?
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